Thursday, January 26, 2012

Destruction and Simple

Last night, was destruction of all things delicious. Okay, maybe not all things delicious, but it was destruction of the delicious things on my stove, at the very least!
I attempted to make veggie wraps. Here was the supposed to be recipe:

2 large mustard green leaves
2 cups of cooked and seasoned rice
1/2 cup salsa
1/2 cup of dice tomatoes
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
some cheese

spread out the mustard greens. place the rice down first in a line in the center. then put your veggies on, then the salsa, then the cheese. roll it up like a burrito and enjoy.

sounds good, right? WRONG! the greens tasted more bitter than i anticipated, the rice was dry and awful because i have yet to find all the parts to the rice cooker so i made them the old fashioned way in a pot. the salsa was terrible and i ran out of tomato. so instead of trying to fix it, which would have been the better option, we went to an asian buffet. yes!! we went out to eat, stuffed ourselves with fried things and sweet things and a few green beans (to make me feel less guilty). then, to make it worse, we stopped by mcdonalds and got ICE CREAM!!! gah! i couldn't sleep a wink last night! i felt so heavy, and so slow, after only a week of eating right, one night of eating poorly affected me greatly. so tonight, to keep it simple, i made an old stand by: SAMMICHES!! it doesn't really need a recipe, so i'll just tell you the order i put things in :)

bread (top)
spinach (kale for jason)
white onion
spinach (kale for jason)
bread (bottom)

it was basically delicious and it gave me energy rather than making me groan and wish i were laying down to sleep! well, i learned my lesson. even if i screw up dinner (which will happen again, i'm sure), try and try again because an asian buffet is never a good idea.

til next time!!

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