Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today went fairly well, I think. For breakfast, I had an orange. For lunch, I had left overs. For dinner, Mrs H made spaghetti and meat balls. I attempted to resist the meatballs by bringing my own tomato sauce. But it just wasn't as tasty. Jason said that my sauce had definite potential. We could play with the spices and such and make it killer. But choosing between a tried-and-true meatball sauce that everyone was chowing down on and a its-got-potential raw sauce that I attempted to make in a hurry... I just couldn't say no to those amazing meatballs. Then, we had ice cream. Then, we had popcorn. Oh man. This popcorn was probably the best popcorn I've ever tasted. It was Ohioan. It was popped in a popcorn maker thingy. It was big and white and fluffy and crunchy and salty and oh so perfect. Seriously... awesome.

Its-Got-Potential Raw Sauce

3 vine-ripened tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
cayenne pepper
2 medium scallions
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
sea salt to taste

I wish I could give you exact measurements on how much of each spice to use but the original calls for fresh herbs but I don't have an herb garden and I didn't want to spend $5 on every single herb. So we used dry herbs. When I asked Jason to put everything in, he used his best judgment instead of measuring it out so I don't know how much went in to ours. But hey, what else is a Sicilian going to do?

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